One page at a time!
Something people always ask me when they find out I’m an author is ‘How do you write a whole book?’. I’m usually sarcastic enough to reply with ‘One page at a time!’. But jokes aside, writing a novel is a fun but long journey filled with twists, turns, and moments of doubt. Whether you’re a fellow writer or just curious, I thought I’d share how I craft a novel—from the first spark of an idea to holding the final book in my hands.
The spark
My writing process often begins with a single idea that won’t leave my head – usually a character, although that’s often followed very quickly by a setting. It jumps from there to a situation I find intriguing. Sometimes, it could be a word, a phrase, or a question that sparks the journey.
For me, this initial idea usually comes in the form of a “What if?” question. What if a woman on the run from her ex lands herself in a small town and then discovers she’s a witch? What if a night-shift nurse could actually see Death? What if a woman who can see ghosts helps them to solve their unfinished business? These questions guide the direction of the story and help form the foundation for the novel.
Plotting and outlining
Once I have a clear idea, I start plotting. Some writers are ‘pantsers’, which in the writing community means they ‘write by the seat of their pants’. They make it up as they go along, letting their brain take them on the journey from draft to finished book. I’m definitely a ‘plotter’, which means I like to know exactly what happens in my book, when, how, and most importantly why.
I used to do this by grabbing a stack of Post-It notes and a black marker. I’d scribble out each random idea I had in my brain, then lay the notes along my floor until I could make them into an order – then I’d add details in between. Nowadays I use a plotting tool for writers called Plottr – which is exactly the same thing only digitalised.
I outline every chapter in detailed bulletpoints, making sure I hit every major story beat I need to hit to make it a satisfying tale. I also like to develop my characters at this stage. Who are they? What are their motivations? What do they want, and what are they willing to sacrifice to get it? I find that knowing these key details about my characters helps inform the story and makes it feel grounded and real.
The first draft
Now comes the fun—and often also maddeningly un-fun—part: writing the first draft. This is where I let my creativity take the lead. I try not to worry about perfection; my goal is just to get the story down. I often remind myself that the first draft is just that—a draft. It doesn’t need to be pretty. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It’s all about getting the ideas and scenes out of my head and onto the page. I try to avoid editing during this phase, knowing that I can clean things up later.
There really are no shortcuts for writing first drafts. You just have to stay at your chosen writing implement (I write on an iPad using a program called Scrivener) and keep tapping away until it’s done. I have AuDHD, so focus isn’t always an easy thing for me. But I’ve found the best way to get progress on my work is by watching immersive writing session pomodoro videos (which I call ‘sprints’) on Youtube. These are my favourite ones!
Revision, edits, and feedback
I’m pretty lucky in that I typically write a clean first draft. In my revision process, I look over the big picture – Does the plot make sense? Are there any pacing issues? Is the character development consistent? I also cut scenes that don’t serve the story and add new ones that might strengthen the narrative. I give the whole thing another read-through for consistency, and then do a spell-check before sending it to my editor, who comes back to me with my re-writes. I complete those, and then the book goes to my beta reader and then my ARC team ahead of publication.
These are people I trust to give me honest feedback on the story. They may point out things I missed, offer suggestions for improvement, or ask questions that I hadn’t considered. Getting feedback is invaluable. Sometimes, beta readers will notice plot holes or inconsistencies that I hadn’t picked up on, and it’s much easier to fix these issues before sending the manuscript to a wider audience.
Formatting and publishing
Once the manuscript is fully polished, I format it for publication. This is the step where the book is prepared for both digital and print formats. This step is crucial for ensuring the final product looks professional. This step involves making sure the ebook and paperback covers are good to go, and that the interiors are all set with nice front and back matter for my readers to enjoy! I do all my own cover design, and format my own interiors, so this can sometimes be a bit of a process but it’s totally worth it to be fully satisfied with my end product. After all of this is complete, I upload the book to Amazon (including adding all the background information Amazon needs to ‘shelve’ the book correctly on its digital platform).
A book is born
Finally, after months of hard work, it’s time to launch the book! This is the moment when all the planning, writing, revising, and editing culminates into something tangible. I always get a rush of excitement when I see my book available for purchase online.
But the journey doesn’t end there. Marketing, promoting, and connecting with readers are essential steps after the book is published. Whether it’s through social media, book signings, or interviews, getting the word out is key to making sure your book reaches the people who will love it.
Writing a novel is a long and winding journey, but there’s nothing quite like the sense of accomplishment when you finally hold that finished book in your hands. Every step of the process, from the first draft to the final edit, is a chance to refine and shape the story into something that resonates with readers.
I hope this step-by-step look at my writing process offers you some insight into how novels come to life. Whether you’re a writer or simply a fan of stories, every book has a unique journey behind it. I’d love to hear about your own writing process—or, if you’re a reader, what you love most about the books you read!
2 Comments on “How a book is born”
Thank you for telling us your process, it sure is a lot of work and i can see why you’e always happy to see it fly the next.
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